Hi All,
I am newbie and have doubt about the ignou assignments. I have taken admission last year July 2011 and due to some personal year, I missed last whole year and now planning to write the assignment. My situation:-
1. Received books last year Nov 2011.
2. My language medium is Hindi.
3. The assignment details available on ignou website has two documents. 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. But for Hindi language only 2011-2012,
Now my confusion is which year assignment should i choose? The study center is of no help. Moreover, assignment should be handwritten or computer printed?
Please clarify
Thanks in advance.
You should write the assignment by your own hand writing. Start NGO training and write your reports in the field work journal.
I am jacob student of master of social working 1st year, enrolement no. 126787890. Dear plz inform where is my study center? Where i should go for study