Here is the list of some of the most important environmental dates.
- February 2 World Wetlands Day
- March 22 World Water Day
- March 23 World Meteorology Day
- April 22 Earth Day
- May 9 International Bird Day
- May 22 International Biodiversity Day
- June 5 World Environment Day
- June 8 Oceans Day
- June 17 World Day of the Fight against Desertification and Drought
- July 11 World Population Day
- 2nd Thursday in July Arbor Day
- September 16 International Ozone Layer Preservation Day
- 3rd weekend of September International Campaign “To Clean the World”
- Last week of September World Maritime Day
- 1st Monday of October World Habitat Day
- 2nd Wednesday of October International Day for the Reduction of Natural Disasters
- October 16 World Food Day